To be honest I don't feel like posting the rest of this blog, but I think that when I write I might understand my thoughts better.
Well I could go on about what things might be irritating me, maybe things like how 24 ended, my financial situations, or certain people in the room right now... But where's that going to get me? The simple solutions would be to be quick to anger, get up and move, throw stuff, you know the usual. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here.
I'm not exactly the best person to talk to when it comes to the subject of anger... but what I do know is that I'm beginning to realize how bad my attitude is, and how much changing needs to happen. I guess it's a process?
Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. Proverbs 14:29 ESV
Just thought that might help out anyone having the same problem.
-JD Hunt-
Yes. And blogging about it, sharing with someone or getting it off your chest is ok. Whatever lets you let go and move on. I'm there with ya!
ReplyDeleteI love you brother! You did so good at discussion this morning. Glad you're getting your feelings out on the table. Feels good to write, doesn't it?