Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's Take a Step of Faith.

It's been a looong while since I been on here.

Guys it's been absolutely insane the last few days. I just think you should know that God is ready to do some incredible things in this world.... And it's starting now.

Last night, I was at a young adults group in Mesquite... and for the first time ever.... I felt that POWER of God fill me up. He overtook me and made me so weak that I fell to my knees and cried... for a long time. Last night, in essence, you could say I found the flame, or the passion that God has put inside of me, and it's called the Holy Spirit. I found it. It's always been there, but now I found it. I am soooo ready for God to start using me to His absolute full advantage.

To those of us who have a relationship in God, know this... the Holy Spirit is always with you, you just have to decide to use Him or not.

Man God is moving, and not just inside me, but inside others, and inside churches who are starting to figure out that we can not... we CAN NOT "play" church anymore. The church has become a place where we make ourselves comfortable enough to call ourselves "Christian". Yet we step out of that Sunday morning service saying, "That was a good sermon.", but then turn around and continue to wallow in our sins. We are absolutely stagnant. It's time to get uncomfortable. 

When we get uncomfortable, that's when God uses us. If we stay confined to our comfort zones.... God will attempt to get us out... but we are just way too eager to hold on to what makes us "feel" happy. 

AND I'M SICK OF IT. I will no longer stand next to the church that does the same thing every single week and never makes progress. I've been blessed to grow up several years under a church that loves it's people and it's community, but I've been able to see that MOST churches have become extremely comfortable. 

Not only the people of the church, but the leadership and the pastors the LEAD the church. They fear that if every week they don't preach that FEEL GOOD message, then people will leave... and you know what..?? They might leave, that's fine, but at least you'll be able to see who the true followers of Christ are.

This is not a message to rag on others, but one to bring a sense of urgency to the table. How can we save lost souls... when we ourselves are lost?

Take a step of faith out of that comfort zone so that God can love you and chisel you to what you're supposed to be. Move in the power of the Holy Spirit, in every activity of your day.

I wouldn't type this out if I didn't see a sense of urgency. We have to get serious. I love each and every one of you who read this, and even those you don't. May God move in all of you, and that you would grasp a hold of Him.

--Jordan Hunt

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